
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Greece Experience - 17 to 27 May 2019

Mother Gaia, Artemis, Athena, the Swan Knight, the Greek Pantheon with its Myths and Mysteries, the ancient Mystery Schools, the Philosophers, Essenes (Therapeutae) and Atlantis, all these themes play important roles in a fabulous journey of discovery and reunion with ancient places and Self. Designed to my deeper callings, this tour will be your chance to experience Greece in a unique way. "To be able to properly comprehend CE, we need to rediscover BCE." *************************************************************************** Private group tour "The Greece Experience", which will be taking place from 17th to 27th May, 2019! FULLY BOOKED. During this tour, which is presented in 2 segments, we will visit - among other places - Athens with the Plaka, The Agora, the Acropolis, Delphi including the Tholos & Athena Pronaia, the site of the Oracle, the Theater and the Pan Cave (Coryculum Cave), Meteora, The Argolis including ca. 3300 year old My...