The Archaeological Site of Delphi
Monday, October 15th, 2018 - Day 5 of my business trip to Greece. Already very early that morning I woke up to what would become one of my favourite days of the entire trip. My legs were still stiff from the hike to the Pan Cave the day before. I stretched and peeked through the curtains to check the weather; a light overcast. The first thing I noticed when I opened my balcony door was a beautiful bird song, breaking the sleepy silence of the early morning. Then I noticed the sweet people at breakfast and an overall calmness in the atmosphere, not just in the hotel, but also in the town, in the streets. I decided to go for a stroll and sniff up the mountain air before the buses arrived from Athens, so I followed the road, aiming to visit the Castalian Spring. After all, my next appointment wouldn't be until 11.00 am at the entrance of the museum. As I walked passed the Roman Gymnasium, the sun tried to pierce holes through the thin clouds that covered the sky. How strange; be...